Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Diane's "Tip of the Week"

I am Diane Marie Pinkard and I am just starting my "Tip of the Week" from my Websites: and I am delighted to finally be getting started! Just this morning, after sending out my first Tip (or lesson), I thought it might be a great idea for me to also introduce myself. Then, share my first message with all of you on my blog.

You are going to learn right off the bat that I will be writing these tips and newsletters, just like I am talking to you, because that is how I like to communicate. I like to make each and every one of you feel “like you matter.”

I look forward to sharing some of my wonderful gems and I hope you will enjoy receiving them. Besides being very personable, I will work to keep these newsletters brief. In fact that is what I like about Twitter. I love that I can leave a message with a punch in just 140 characters. If you would like to join me on Twitter my user name is dianesplace84. I have just starter “twittering” and I am finding it to be such fun! You will get some great tips from me there, in fact, some will probably be the same, or similar.

So are ready for this Week’s Tip? Life for me is all about building rich connections with one another. My Tip for you for this week is to make a point of reaching out in a more personal way with all your exchanges and interactions (at home and at work!). Whether it be on the telephone, in an email, or face-to-face, please take a minute to make a personal connection. Take a breath, be in the moment, pay attention to your awareness – do whatever it takes to raise your level of consciousness. Then say something or write something that builds a bridge for better connecting with your recipients and/or listeners. Make a personal comment that shows appreciation, compassion or caring. TREAT PEOPLE LIKE THEY MATTER! If this is not comfortable for you, just take a baby step and say something that that has to do with “being in the moment,” and connected. My closing sentence in this letter is a perfect example!

Please feel free to to respond to my blog this week and let me know how you are doing with this first Tip. And if you have a question or you want more help with this “seed” I am planting. You will quickly find out that my tips will sometimes, also be lessons, as that is what I am – the schoolteacher!

Thank you for your precious time and have a wonderful week!


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